Raw Birth Photos & Story

I have had a perfect pregnancy from start to finish and I feel so incredibly blessed to say that! I was scheduled to induce Sunday at 5 pm on the 24th. I started having contractions that morning at 6 am. I blew them off thinking it was general poop pains. But they stayed constantly 4-6 minutes apart until 10 when I decided to just go ahead and head to the hospital since we live an hour and a half away from where we would be delivering. We arrived at the hospital and I was still constantly having contractions. They admitted me because I was going to be there at five anyways. They checked me and I was 90% effaced 1 cm dilated and he was extremely low. So we just let my body do it’s own thing until the induction would start at 5. I labored until 5 and at this point it was just intense period pains definitely still manageable. At 5:30 they began pitocin and my contractions immediately began to get stronger. But still manageable! They continued upping my pitocin I got checked around 8:30 and I was at a 4 with bulging waters 100% effaced. I continued to labor until 4:30 am when I opted for the epidural, that was the best decision I have ever made. I was dead set on a natural birth but I just felt like something was telling me to go ahead and do it, so I did! At 5:20 they checked me and I was at a 7 with bulging waters and he was extremely low. My Dr. came in to break my water at 7:15 am. Then at 8:20 I started to get nauseous and started shaking and I knew I was in transition. I waited until 8:45 then asked to be checked because I knew it was time. We immediately started pushing and he was here at 9:15 am on the 25th. 27 hours of labor, 24 of those unmedicated. I started to tear upwards so I had to have an episiotomy but I feel great. So to everyone reading this feeling scared or nervous about birth, you know your body just listen to your instincts and follow them. I was dead set on a natural birth but in the end it was not what my body needed. Instead of being totally miserable and in so much pain I couldn’t move. I was able to laugh through my delivery and have a very relaxed perfect experience. It was everything I wanted and more! I was 39 and 2 when I went into labor.

He was 8lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long and has the cutest dimples I’ve ever seen. My heart is so full!