Help!! What’s going on?!


Okay so, I have been off birth control for over a month. I’m 5 days out from getting my second period without birth control. My husband and I haven’t been trying but we haven’t not been trying. We are in the “if it’s meant to be it will” stage. Pull out method is all we are doing.

My typical PMS symptoms usual come a few days before my period and I typically get a little emotional. Not so much that I’m a huge mess. Just a little bit of a whiner. And I start to crave candy/chocolate. I also usually get cramps all over my lower abdomen usually the day before or the day of my period starting, and then, once it starts I get bloated the whole time. That is how it has always been.

The last week, week and half though, have been so different.

I have dull headaches. Which is unusual for me any day of the year. From the time I get up till I go to bed. I have not been craving anything, but I want to eat everything. I never feel full. I could eat all day. Im bloated. My brand new jeans are uncomfortable to wear. I keep getting dull ear aches in both ears off and on randomly. And I have this odd cramping in the left side only of my lower abdomen. It’s not really painful, just annoying. Except it did hurt when we had intercourse. Just that one side. I’m also not just emotional. I feel super depressed. I could cry any even the slightest inconvenience. I want to crawl in my bed and not deal with the world at all. And this is SO unusual for me. And it’s still 5 days from my period. I’m on anti anxiety medication, a low dose. But the medication can also be used to treat depression. I’ve been on it for over a year and I’ve never felt like this. I tried to look up the medication in relation to pregnancy but I didn’t find much. Yesterday I was 6 days out from my period and I took a test. It was negative.

What the heck is going on with me? Ideas, opinions, insight. Doctors appointment coming up soon if this doesn’t change