1/1000 Chance to get....


So the other day I was cooking breakfast for dinner and cracked a double yolk egg.

In all my years of baking cakes, pies, cookies, and goodies I’ve cracked thousands of eggs and this was a first for me. I was shocked and wondered if it was a bad egg. I took to google to find out it’s extremely lucky!

For those who don’t know the old wives tale/ superstition: a double egg yolk is rare and it is believed that when you get one it’s a sign of a pregnancy with twins or someone in the immediate family is pregnant and may not know it. (Also other superstitions but pregnancy was the more popular belief)

The chance of getting these types of eggs is 1/1000 chance and even slimmer sometimes. Ive been TTC for two years, I was ready to give up 2 weeks ago and this gave me an inkling of hope. I looked up other posts on Glow for similar stories and 4/5 I read got their BFP after cracking a double yolk egg!! I can keep this post updated to see if I get mine. Baby dust to all!