Just need to rant a bit...

I have been planning for family photos for over a month now. I spent hours picking out the photographer and coordinating the outfits. I have seriously put a lot of effort in here. My husband could care less, he hates photos. He says he is doing it for me. So I have been dealing with his negative attitude while I do all the legwork. I really want to have a family photo and to send out a Christmas card.

...last night, I received an e-mail at like 8:30PM stating the photographer’s kid is sick. Throwing up. She wants to either:

1. Reschedule- All available times are past my daughter’s bedtime and after my husband works all day. Not happening. Also, I would potentially not get the holiday set up. 🤦‍♀️

2. Do the photos any way- She has an in-hole studio. So I would be choosing to drag my daughter into a potentially contaminated home.

3. Get a full refund- I don’t want a refund. I can’t get another reasonably priced photographer right now, and holiday sessions are all booked up!

As a mom, I feel for her. Her kid is sick. I also know she can’t really help when these things happen. Not blaming her, but I am certainly very frustrated and I feel that is valid. 🤦‍♀️