IC ? Need advice

Those of you that have been diagnosed with incompetent cervix, how did you get your Dr to test for it? We lost our last at 16 weeks in June and by the time we made it to the hospital it was too late to test for anything such as IC. Pathology showed there was nothing wrong with baby girl or the placenta. Fast forward I'm now 14 weeks pregnant. At my 11week NT scan I asked them to measure my cervix because I had been getting sharp pinching sensations in my cervix...ultrasound showed cervix looked good but o do have a low lying placenta sitting on my cervix....Saturday I had some spotting got scared checked my cervix. It felt open. Went to the dr Monday they did a fetal heart rate check but when I addressed my concern about cervix all I got was don't check your cervix yourself we don't NT even like to do that....I'm already height risk due to previous miscarriages and a premie baby due to pre-e I'm on meds this pregnancy for hypertension. I put my self on bed rest hoping cervix would close back up. It has closed but is still relatively low. I'm still worried that my cervix is possibly in competent. How do I get them to recheck my next ultrasound isn't until the end of November I got back to the Dr November 3rd which will put me at 16 weeks exactly where we lost the last one.