Name help!

Rose • Billy💕🔐 William Raleigh•Bradley Benjamin•Bentley Joseph

I’m here once again with help on names. I am pregnant with identical twins boys and we have Bentley and Bradley picked out do the first names of them.

Before we got pregnant with our first born we loved the name “Bentley William” but when we found out I was pregnant with my first and it was a boy we wanted to do a jr so his name is “William Raleigh”. I love the way Bentley William sounds but idk if I wanna use it as his middle name because it’s our first borns name. But my SO is dead set on using it 🙄 he wanted to use Raleigh as Bradley’s middle name but I put a BIG no to that because I just didn’t like the way it sounds together lol.

But any middle names that you all would sound cute with Bentley or Bradley ? Thanks in advance💙