tired mama - help

Alyssa • 30 FTM to beautiful baby girl !

my baby is 6 months, EBF. and she’s not sleeping through the night anymore.

during the week, she gets bottles of breast milk while my aunt takes care of her and nurses when we get home.

i strictly nurse her on the weekends.

she was sleeping through the night, occasionally waking up once - this was about 2 months ago.

now she wakes up constantly throughout the night and this mama is tired. when she wakes up, i nurse her and she’ll go back to sleep.

most nights i try to put her back in the pack n play bassinet, but she will stay asleep for like 5-10 mins and then wake up and fuss.

since i’m sleep deprived, i will pick her up and then we both fall back asleep in mommy and daddy’s bed.

we started solids recently.

i started a routine before i went back to work which worked for a bit but then it stopped. it didn’t matter if i bathed her before bed, she started waking up more and more.

any tips, suggestions ?

thank you