I'm considering veganism and have some questions/concerns...

This isn't the first time I've had an interest in cutting out animal products and all my attempts as a kid have failed, so I figured I'd ask for some advice from people who have experience. Thanks in advance!

Right now I eat terribly because I don't cook much. I suffer from depression which makes it difficult, but I want to make a change. I can't keep living and eating the way I am now and plant-based seems interesting. I want to lose weight and I was wondering if that's possible and healthy to do if I were to switch to veganism. I was also wondering if anyone has noticed feeling better mentally from cutting out animal products?

Now for my main issue: my boyfriend hates vegetables and is VERY against vegan and vegetarian diets. He jokes that he is a "meatarian" (like a vegetarian but with meat) and i don't know how he'd react if I switched. I know I can cook something different for him than I eat, but it's more of the social aspect of it.

Last thing: is there anyone who was kind of iffy on vegetables and they made themselves like them and how did you do it? I do like some vegetables, but it'd be a lot easier it I liked more

Oh I almost forgot, how much does it cost? Because I don't have much money?

Now that's it lol

Sorry for the long post. I really want to know more because veganism has always interested me. Thank you in advance for any answers and advice given!