Does it sound like my son is “behind”? I feel like I’m failing as a mom 😢

My baby will be 9 months this Thursday.

*Physically*: He is showing no interest in crawling. He rolls great and pushes up on his arms, but doesn’t try to get up on his knees. When holding his arms, he takes good steps but is wobbly. And he walks in his walker of course. But when in his jumper he doesn’t try to jump.

His fine motor skills are great. He feeds himself with finger foods and snacks. Used his hands so good and holds on to things good. He shakes and splashes and kicks.

*Social/emotional/mental: He won’t let anyone hold him except me, his dad, my mom & grandmother. He cries when anyone else does and sometime even cries when anyone besides us tries to talk or play. He’s getting better at that. He’s over all a happy baby. Laughs a lot smiles a lot. Jabbers a lot. He sleeps 12 hrs a night and takes 1-2 hour nap after lunch. He eats good, and isn’t picky.

But he’s not really saying any words yet. I *THINK* he’s maybe said mama once but idk if it just sounded like it or if he actually said it. He seems like he’s trying to learn to wave.

What I’m MOST worried about is he just sits and watches TV a lot. If the TV is on, all he wants to do is sit and watch it. He’ll hold toys in his hands and shake them and stuff as he’s watching, but other than that he doesn’t show a whole lot of interest in developmental toys. If the tv is off and I try to get him to play with just toys and stuff, it’s not long until he isn’t interested and just cries until I turn it on to distract him. I don’t want him to grow up being stuck in the TV but sometimes that’s the only way to calm him.

I am a first time mom and have never been around many babies and neither has my s/o, so idk what I’m doing. Please don’t be rude, o just need help. And want to know if it sounds like my baby should be doing more and HOW to I get him to be more interested in developmental toys 😭