Am I being unreasonable?

So I booked my anatomy scan when I was 13 weeks. Made sure to book it for the evening so my so could make it since he can’t get time off work. It’s scheduled for this Wednesday when I will be 19w5d.

My so has known about it since it was booked and then yesterday tells me he screwed up and told his work it was Thursday so now he can’t be there.

Well my mom heard that and now she wants to be the one to come to the US. I would rather go alone. And now she is sulking, I know if she comes she will be shrieking and making a huge commotion and I just don’t want to deal with that. When we told her I was expecting she screamed in the restaurant and had a meltdown. She came to some of my sons ultrasounds but that was a completely different situation since I was so young.

And now I’m frustrated with my so and my mom

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