Can’t tell if it’s my gut or paranoia...

Sorry if this is long.... I can’t shake the feeling that my boyfriend is in some way a psychopath/sociopath. I am not a very trusting person whatsoever and he knows this and is trying to gain my trust and I am finding every reason not to give him my trust.... I feel that once I do, it’s over. I might add that I have never had a long term romantic/sexual relationship because I become wary and break it off.

He’s a good actor, he’s charming, he said I love you very very early in the relationship and doesn’t seem to feel fear or anxiety and it unsettles me and honestly I’m suddenly suspicious of him and he noticed me being very inquisitive and I’m freaking tf out. The suspicions rose after meeting with my father for dinner a few days ago and my mom telling me she was worried I would end up with someone like my father.

My father, my uncle, may grandmother and, possibly my older brother are all strongly on the psychopath spectrum and I believe my mom and ex boyfriend may be narcissistic. My father attempted to gas the house to start a fire when I was younger, my grandmother never really felt bad about anything she did that was ruthless, my uncle ultimately manipulated everyone around her, fired her doctors and prevented her getting proper medical treatment which resulted in her death and my brother is aggressive and violent often threatening suicide when he doesn’t get his way. My mom is a bit selfish and believes we should all please her but she is our mother so I kind of her it.

My ex tried to hurt my younger brothers physically on multiple occasions and once threatened them with a knife and went through my phone and answered it to tell people I wasn’t available and deleted his tracks. When my mom told him to stay away until I was 18, he turned into this angry person and would constantly talk down about my family and how awful my mother was and when I expressed that I was not interested in running away to. Marry him and live in his dads house he said I was just like my mother. Also he once told me he first liked me when I was 14 years old and he was 21 so that was the final nail on the coffin of our relationship. My mom had been right.