Yelled at for helping, was I wrong?

So I was in the airport bathroom and this lady left her baby in a flimsy umbrella stroller while she went into the stall. She literally put so many bags on the stroller that it flipped over and her baby started screaming. I quickly ran over purely out of instinct to upright the baby. I didn’t touch her child, I just straightened the stroller and stood behind it so it wouldn’t fall over again. She heard what happened through the stall and I even said I’m just straightening the stroller but yelled at me for touching her stuff. I didn’t even respond but quickly walked away without even peeing 🤦🏻‍♀️. On my way out I got dirty looks from others who saw the whole thing. Later when I told my husband, he said I should have ignored the situation. But I genuinely meant no harm. Was I wrong for wanting to help? I don’t understand why I got so many dirty looks?

Edit: thank you! I was so embarrassed and felt like an idiot. I don’t know why anyone would think I was stealing but I guess it makes sense. Tho I’m scared to help others from now on.