UPDATE regarding Allergy post from yesterday


Yesterday I posted about how I thought my little girl had a possible allergy. I really appreciate everyone that commented, in this photo is one of her wet diapers. I at first thought the brown spots were possibly from poop that I missed when wiping her, but the brown spots were there each time she went pee and at the front of the diaper not the back. I ended up waiting over 5 hours before I finally got a call back from the pediatrician nurse. She felt really bad because she took so long to call. She said with my daughters kidney history that we needed to head into urgent care immediately. Now I am not sure if any of you saw me post last month about how we had to take our baby to the children's hospital to see a kidney specialist, but my daughters left kidney is down in her pelvic area and her right kidney was inflamed an urine was backing into the right kidney. They said everything looked fine though. So anyways my 4 year old daughter and 5 month old went to urgent care, my husband was out of town for the night for seminars for work so it really sucked he wasnt here. We ended up at urgent care for 3 hours and all they did was check her weight and take her temperature. Then they sent us to the ER because after changing two wet diapers with blood in them they didnt want to risk missing anything. We finally got to the ER and it was packed plus they had no place for me to breastfeed which sucked and I forgot my dang cover. I did not feel comfortable because it was literally all men in the waiting room so i just waited and luckly it wasnt to long before we got called back. They ended up doing blood work and inserting a catheter, it was horrible to watch 😭. We ended up staying at the ER from 8pm until midnight. They ran a bunch of test checked her urine a number of times and they said there is no infection but there is blood in her urine still. They honestly had no answers and discharged us around 12:15am. They said they would be calling today if there was any update but otherwise we need to head in this week to see her pediatrician. I honestly dont really know what to think but we have another ultrasound scheduled for the end of March to have both kidneys checked again. I am glad they checked but still freaked out she has blood in her urine and they didnt have much to say, they were more concerned with the little bit of cradle cap on her head more than anything. I just feel like they made me feel like i was overreacting or why was I even in there for that. 😭