
I was nervous excited and happy now i am just scared my husband was surprised when he heard the news he seemed ok he was playfull joyfull and didnt seem to mind well that all changed this afternoon when he said we arent ready and that its all my fault for not calculating the days right i use glow and keep up with my ovulating days we avoid those days i never wanted him to feel this way i tried my best to keep track of ovulation days until the day he said he was ready well im starting to think that day was never going to come its not my fault i cant make a baby on my own i know he loves me and our son but now with this pregnacy he seems different i dont believe in abortion and i dont want to give my baby up for adoption i know whe arent ready but i know i can find a job and start supporting more maybe then he might feel less stressed i dont know what to do or how to feel i am so emotional and i am worried this is how he really feels please pray for peace of mind.