Second vs first

boymomlife • 💕 Mama Bear 🐾

So when I had my first child I was 22. I had my my mom there to help with everything and to give me so much advice. I had no idea what the best things were to do for a baby. I tried so hard to breastfeed and when that didn’t work I tried pumping and I still wasn’t getting enough milk so I had to do formula. I bought jarred baby food and all that pre-made stuff. I turned 27 before I had my second child. Unfortunately I do not have my mother around anymore to give me all her valuable advice. Things have been a little different this time around though breastfeeding results are the same as before.🙄 I make my babies food from fresh fruits and veggies because I now know how to. I feel guilty about the things I do now for my second child that I didn’t take time to do or to learn with my first. I’m sure it’s normal feeling because with your first you are learning but I hate it. I also feel so guilty that I am not giving enough attention to my older child these days..trying to spread my time out between baby, 5 year old, house work.’s so exhausting.