Birth story


First of all I want to thank all the vbac momma stories I’ve read that help me fight for what I wanted and to encourage all the mommas wanting a vbac and might be discouraged. I love from the Bronx, New York to Jersey City, New Jersey towards the end of my pregnancy and then had a really hard time getting insurance in NJ. My first baby was a csection and I wanted a vbac for this baby. While I was in the Bronx I had all the support medically from my doctors, honestly of course with the fact that I might have to have another csection but I was healthy, my son was gonna be 7 years old but my due date, I had a horizontal incision from the csection, and a healthy pregnancy. However, when I moved to NJ, and I’m assuming cuz it was late in my pregnancy, third trimester, I didn’t have that support from my doctors at all. First of all I was heart broken and feeling discouraged but my husband was not willing to give in and that helped me put my foot down with the doctors about what I wanted, although most times it didn’t seemed like it mattered to them what I wanted. My due date was the 19th of November and because I wanted to do vbac they scheduled my csection for the week after which was the 26th. As the month of November continued I was so nervous I was gonna have to have that csection so I tired little things to help “induce labor”. I’m going to be honest not sure if anything really worked but when I woke up November 11, 2019 my water had broke. At first I thought I had peed myself a little which was crazy cuz I had just used the bathroom but I knew it was my water when it kept happening. So we waited a little while for contractions I ate something showered and dropped my son off at grandmas. My water broke at 9:50am and we got to the hospital 3:50pm. They admitted me and I waited for the doctor to come and check and by the time she did I was 5 cm. She then brought up her thoughts on a vbac, she was not for it at all, and even though she kept saying she wasn’t trying to scare me, I felt like she was. She warned me of all the bad things that could happen and told me that in her 28 years of experience vbac never turned out good. She than asked me if it was worth it and how me was to do a vbac was pretty much stupid after what we had discussed. Doubtfully I decided to go with the vbac, refusing the epidural and any drugs, which was another thing I doubted soon after holding that everything would be ok and she wouldn’t be right. The contractions started to come and come hard and I felt like I had to poop, which is normal and was told not to push that it was the baby descending. By 8:45pm I still had that feeling and as hard as I was trying not to push my body was starting to take over so I told the nurse and she called the doctor. I had went from 5cm to 7cm to 10cm and was ready to push when the doctor came in. After some pushing my beautiful baby girl was born at 9:10pm. If it weren’t for those vbac stories I would had the courage to push for what I wanted. I mean don’t get me wrong if it was a medical emergency it would be different of course but it wasn’t and I’m so happy and proud of myself. So thank you vbac mommas. And for all you mommas having a little one, I know things don’t always work out the way you planed and things do happen but don’t settle right away fight for what you want.