

I just wanted to share to everyone in glow. All of you have been a great support system for me through out this process. I’ve been married for 9 years, this year is in august , God gave me unexpected suprise by finally aswered my prayers. I was pregnant without thinkinng about to conceive. But unfortunately , on the 22 September 2019, he took back the little rainbow angel when it was only 7 weeks. I was torn apart. Yes indeed, i was devastated, i was in my darkest time that time. And then i got my 1 st period on the 30 October 2019, it lasted for 7 days. I just kept trackking everthing this time ,because the last time,i didnt.I didnt even know when was my last period . back to the story, <a href="">glow app</a> keep reminding me my period is 1 day late, 2 day late and so on. I was like maybe this month AF is late. So i waited until it was a week late, and today’s morning, there it is. The double line . I cant believe it. Im speechless. Is this happening again😭 i just went to the dr today, and the dr has just confirmed that my pregnancy is 5w5d, she told me to be extra carefull. And come again in now, im in the 2ww....for all of you who is ttc, dont ever give up. And always have faith that miracle do happen! Baby dust to all of you lovelies, and those who are pregnant... do take care and rest well....

Btw, the 1st and 2nd pic i took when i was 3 days in the morning,and the other one is late during the day. The 2nd line was so faint. And the last 2 upt was from this morning 1st urine.