How much is your baby eating?


My son is breastfed. His eating is:

6:30 am- Nurse

9:30 am- 3.5-4 oz bottle (he was doing more, but was consistently not drinking all of his bottle. I started making them less to not waste milk and he’s satisfied.)

11ish am- 2 oz solids

1:00 pm- 4.5 oz bottle

4:30 pm- 4.5 oz bottle

5:30 pm- Nurses when I get home. I’m sure this is mostly for comfort.

7:00 pm- 2 oz solids

8:00 pm- Nurses

And usually up once during the night.

I ask because I was talking to a friend who was surprised that he was still doing 4.5 oz bottles and hadn’t increase. He’s totally satisfied and gaining weight (about 22 pounds). I’m not really worried, but curious if others are similar.