I think I’m pregnant ?🤷🏾‍♀️


So I’ve just recently lost both of my grandparents I lost my grandad on a Sunday and my grandma died the Monday after 💔 they basically raised me and through the whole week I was feeling down and sick and just wasn’t feeling myself but these last two weeks I’ve been experiencing sore breast a lot of bloating headaches morning sickness diarrhea constantly bathroom trips Constipation mood swings and I’ve missed my period this month but I took two pregnancy test and they turnt out negative I recently had a miscarriage in aug. and another one in may due to car accident and the last one I had was a missed abortion where I lost the baby and didn’t know and I’m so scared cause this baby maybe what I need to fill in the lost of my grandparents ❤️💕👼🏾 but the last pregnancy the test would tell me negative every time what should I do ??