A little confused

Hi everyone,

So I'm a little confused of what's happening. Because I use the implant birth control my periods' are really irregular. The last day of my period was 11/30, my boyfriend and I had sex on 12/01. The first time we used a condom, but the second time the condom broked but he realized it before he ejaculated. Since I'm still on birth control I didn't worry but I started to get sick like flu symptoms. On 12/07 I had spotting and really bad stomach haches. I thought it was abdominal cramps first but I realized it was stomach aches.So on Monday I went to the store and buy a pregnancy test and it said that I am not pregnant. I still have the stomach pain but it doesn't last like in the beginning and it has been 2 days that I have spotting and go a lot to the bathroom ( 💩 just to be precise 😅).

I call my doctor and she got me an appointment on 12/18.

Do you think something is wrong or is it just the birth control?🤷🏽‍♀️