What is going on???

I am very self conscious posting this but I really need some help so here we go. For the longest time I felt that I smelt bad no matter if I had just showered and scrubbed really well & used good soap or just put on deodorant and perfume, nothing seemed to change the fact that I smelt like BO for some reason. So then I decided to try prescription strength antiperspirant from target and that’s where my problem started. You’re supposed to put it on at night and wait a while if you had just showered or shaved so I did that. Immediately it got really itchy but I stuck with it in hopes it would help which it did! The only downside was that it made me very itchy. But then, after a few uses I noticed I started getting what I thought was an ingrown hair bump but instead of getting better it only got worse. Immediately when I noticed the bump I stopped using the antiperspirant and shaving (hence why you’re able to tell I haven’t been shaving in the picture😬) I get razor burn/ingrown hair bumps all the time in the armpit but it usually only happens after I shave. This bump however felt very deep and then it grew to look like how it looks now and it’s been a few weeks already and I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know what to call it, is it a rash? It’s itchy, looks swollen and I don’t even know. I also have a very deep bump higher up the arm and smaller bumps all over the armpit area. Does anyone know what is happening? Will it go away on its own? Please help!!! Thank you 💗