IVF early 2020 Fresh or Frozen cycle?

Genoa • 🌈 Baby 🎀 born 9/5/21 - 4BB 5 day embryo Currently pregnant with our day 5 4BC embryo that thawed as a 2BB and became a 3BB at time of transfer.

We found out on Friday after a failed varicose surgery that the recommendation from the doctors would be to move on to

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> with ICSI.

I’d like to start our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle in January as soon as we have our bloodwork in order & the clinic opens back up after the holidays.

However, I have no idea how long a cycle takes... and we have to avoid a potential birth in November because my husband won’t be in the country. If we could do a freeze all cycle, my body would have chance to recover, and we could transfer at a time that wouldn’t like up with November.

What are people’s experience with fresh of frozen transfers? Is one better than the other?

Update: We’re going to hold off and start our cycle in Feb. and try a fresh transfer! Now just have to wait it out!