Were My “Friends” Fake?

recently i was in a “best friend” trio with 2 girls and i stopped being friends with them bc i feel like i would put 100% into them and they would only put 50% into me and they also did things that “best friends” shouldn’t do to each other, for example:

•one of them tried to have sex with my ex and the other one talked to someone i used to talk to.

•whenever i would argue with 2 girls or more, they would leave me hanging but if the roles were reversed, i would be behind them 100%

•i’m pretty sure they would ALWAYS talk about me behind my back.

•they would NEVER include me in anything, even if we didn’t see each other. (e.x. who were thankful for posts, best friend posts, etc.)

•they were ALWAYS jealous that i would hang out with my boyfriend more than them (bc my mother AND my boyfriend didn’t trust them and i didn’t either) and when they would want to hang out, they would choose sketchy locations to hang out at.

and so on, and they also PUBLICLY outed and made fun of what i was most insecure about and told them in confidence of them never revealing it to anyone (which is my weight) on facebook during an argument that i had with them.

i just want to know am i overreacting about them being fake or are they TRULY fake? what would you do if you had friends like that?