Infertility making me question my choice.

Way back when my husband and I were still fairly new in our relationship, we had an unplanned pregnancy. We were safe, the condom broke and Plan B failed. We did everything right. I was 17 at the time.

We decided to abort for various reasons. Kids were never the plan for us- we decided early on we didn't want kids. I was headed into my final year of school, our parents did not approve of our relationship and frankly, we were not financially able to look after a baby (this goes for our families too- neither family would have been able to help us). Our relationship was also very volatile and strained for the first few years.

In fact, it took 12 YEARS after that for us to decide reconsider children.

Anyway, we have now been TTC for over two years and my husband made a comment about if we made the right choice so many years ago, because we'd at least have had a child by now.

I stood by my choice and never regretted it. Until he made that comment. I still believe we made the right choice, but I do think we'll yes, we would have a child. I don't think we would have been good parents then, and we certainly wouldn't have been able to afford even the basics for our child (we had to borrow money more than once just to see us through the month). So I believe we made the right choice still.

But the infertility is making me question it a little bit.