10 Week Scare


I had my pelvic exam scheduled for today. The doctor also told me that we’d be able to listen to the heartbeat using the Doppler. At my 7 week ultrasound appointment I was able to see and hear the heartbeat as well, but this time was even more meaningful because my husband would be there this time.

The doctor began moving the Doppler around my stomach and wasn’t picking anything up. The next few minutes felt like an eternity as he tried to pickup the heartbeat. He said that after we completed the pelvic exam he wanted me to go over to the ultrasound room so he could get a better look.

Once in the ultrasound room he began searching for the heartbeat. He was able to find the baby and shortly after located the heartbeat. He said the baby looked healthy and the heartbeat looked good. He apologized for the scare that must’ve caused. Then went on to explain that using the Doppler on women who have a rear tilted uterus (which I have) can be difficult in early pregnancy.

This was absolutely terrifying. I felt like all my worse nightmares were coming true. I still feel shook up about and I don’t feel confident about my baby’s heartbeat anymore. I’m afraid that when I go back in four weeks something will have gone wrong.