Is this normal or good for me?



So my mental health has been deteriorating for a couple months now. I’m suicidal, extremely depressed, and I get anxiety easily. I don’t have a great relationship with my parents so my friends are my major support system because I don’t have a therapist. I recently told my parents that I was depressed and didn’t want to live and after I told them they didn’t really bring it up. This past Tuesday I started crying because I couldn’t handle going to Color Guard. The breakdown lasted at least an hour and my mom saw most of it happen- I usually don’t tell my parents or anyone other than close friends when I cry or have a breakdown. My mom decided to talk to me about being suicidal while I was having that breakdown which caused me to get worse and cry harder. Both of my parents chalked it up to me being in my phone and iPad too much and so they’re taking away my electronics. I sneak my phone out sometimes to do certain activities like using Moodpath (a mental health tracker) or texting my friends but I still don’t really have access to anything online. I agree that I spend too much time on my phone but what I don’t think my parents realize is that I NEED it. My best friend who has stopped me from suicide multiple times doesn’t go to my school anymore and so my only contact is through texting, FaceTime, or the occasional get together. If I can’t talk to her or one of my other friends while I’m having dark thoughts, I may seriously hurt myself. I’ve asked my parents to be able to text my best friend but they won’t let me and I don’t know how to convince them to let me be able to talk to her. Has this happened to anyone else and is there any way I could convince them to let me have my phone for a restricted amount of time? Any advice is appreciated!

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Posted at
I’m sorry you’re going through that. Your parents clearly don’t understand how serious anxiety and depression is. I don’t talk to anyone about my depression or anxiety, I tried therapy but stopped going, it didn’t feel like it was working anymore. I’d suggest you try talking to your parents again, tell them you need professional help because it’s only getting worse. Talk to your doctor about it at your next appointment. I pray you get through this, know you’re not alone in the world 🤍


Posted at
Your parents need to get you more help