Miscarriage and sister in law

So my husband and I got pregnant in September of 2017. I lost my baby on November 16th... Everything went naturally and we were married January 2018. We conceived and had our son in April 2019.

My sil lost her baby a few months before (while I was pregnant) and everyone has focused way more on their loss than mine. She’s pregnant again too and due in May. Is it wrong of me to feel a little jealous that everyone is focused on their lost baby? I understand it and I mourn that loss as well it’s just she’s getting gifts for the rainbow baby with rainbows and such and My son never got a thing...

I know this sounds terrible I just needed to get my feelings out somewhere

Ps. I’m not going to voice this to my family as I don’t want to hurt any relationships

Edit: she is my husbands brothers wife. Gifts are from my mother and father in law I’ve actually been around longer than she has or as long as she has. I was a “bonus kid” I grew up taking horse lessons from my mil and I considered her to be my “second mom”

Second edit because I want to remain anonymous:

my sil and I have a good relationship

They were more open about struggling to get pregnant than my husband and I

We were both about 8 weeks

Although I didn’t tell people immediately because we weren’t married yet