Christmas present judgment

I bought my sons kitchen set for Christmas thinking that would such a fun thing to play with and I already know he would enjoy it a lot. Well I just received a long text from my father who is old school I guess you could say. To summarize he basically said that’s a girl toy that I should NOT teach him it’s okay to do girl things, if he grows up playing with dolls, makeup, etc. He will grow up to be gay. Keep in my mind that I have absolutely nothing against the lgbt community & I support that any human being has a right to love whoever they choose to love. And I will always love my son no matter the gender or race of the person he dates/marries. I’m just confused my dad has been so supportive and I’ve never heard one thing like this, I don’t know what his problem is and if I’m being honest it’s kind of disappointing that my own father thinks like this & would even consider sayin this to me, I’m trying my hardest to put myself in his shoes thinking he cares & all, but I just can’t😐 my father and I just got our relationship back after not talking for almost a year, I don’t know how to respond 😶