Extreme soreness down below

Saturday the 14th myself and my boyfriend had sex and after a couple drinks you can imagine it got a little wild.. we went for way longer than we ever usually do.. it was pretty rough and I don’t believe I was lubed enough.. I even have a blurry memory of thinking ‘shit this hurts’ but drunk me continued anyways..fast forward to Monday I woke up with a UTI (which I suffer with anyway) which lasted until Wednesday.. I noticed I was itching and generally ‘uncomfortable’ down there and then thursday.. I was SO sore.. I was surprised as it had been a few days since we had sex.. i still have it now (21st) and I’ve never felt so much pain! It’s painful to touch, standing or sitting it painful/uncomfortable and I’m constantly ‘readjusting’ myself.. I can not even explain the pain when I pee.. I’m fighting back tears every time and sitting in ways to try and make sure my pee does not contact my skin. And then even wiping is painful.. i dread having to pee as it stings like nothing I’ve ever experienced.. even when I’m sat it feels bruised and sore to touch. I’m getting rather concerned now.. if anyone has any idea what this could be or ways I can help treat myself please share! I’ve considered visiting the clinic but I think I’d scream in pain if someone went near there.. I’m currently sat in a hot bath trying to soothe it and even the pure water is stinging. Part of me thinks maybe it’s just from trauma but I’m worried it could be more serious.. thank you for taking the time to read!