Chances of chemical back to back?

I know you’re not doctors, I know all women’s body’s are different, and I know nobody will have an accurate answer 100%. I just want your opinions, thoughts and shares on this subject.

I have no babies. In July I had a chemical pregnancy. Would have been my first pregnancy. I got my positive one day after missed period. I had absolutely no symptoms and I tested every 3 days to make sure the line was getting darker, because they were always soo so light. (Yes you can say the darkness of the lines don’t indicate anything but for me they did) so every 3 days I was testing the line never changed. Always super faint and you had to squint just to see it. (Through blood test Drs did confirm pregnancy) the line never got darker. Couple days later the line was completely almost gone, basically was gone. Went to the Dr, my levels dropped. Confirmed miscarriage (chemical pregnancy) I was only barely 5 weeks.

It’s now December. I got a positive the same time I did in June. (One day after missed period) however, these lines are vibrant, every single one. The latest ones are darker than the control line. (Also I’m not completely counting on the darkness of the lines 100% just gives me a better idea) so yeah the lines are much much more darker this time and I actually have real pregnancy symptoms. I’m almost 5 weeks. I won’t get excited or tell anyone until I hit 8 weeks. I’m so afraid of having another chemical and it’s so heartbreaking and it hasn’t even happened. I have more faith this time cause the actual symptoms and dark tests compared to July’s almost non existent positive line.

(Please only comment on this part if experienced) how many chemicals have you had in a row? I need hope and prayers right now❤️ I want my baby to stay with me so badly