Super self concious

Just for context, I’m 16 btw ahaha. Me and this boy are kinda getting together and we haven’t yet slept together because ive been so scared to. I’m not a virgin but I’m just really self conscious of how ‘down there’ looks. I’ve never been happy with it and been so upset ever since I realised it wasn’t what most teenage boys want. This boy commented on it, not in a negative way, but joked about it using the phrase “hanging ham” and it BROKE me inside. To know that something I’m so conscious about is being bought up like that, I’ve been so upset ever since and I feel like I never wanna show my body to another boy again. I’ve never felt so ashamed and although I’ve always been concious about it I never thought it was something that noticeable and now he’s bought it up I’ve never felt uglier. I’m really stuck on what to do or how I should feel and I just need some advice really