Scar tissue


I have been struggling with infertility for 2 years. We have done 3 failed IUIs. I have normal or shorter cycles. 3 day periods that are not painful. My doctor doesn’t believe I have endo and that’s all he’s really said. I had HSG done and tubes are open but my left ovary is higher than my right. My doctor believes it is scar tissue or adhesions holding it there. I also have pain during sex in some positions where it is deep penetration. So I’m just wondering if this has been the case for anyone else who has endo? I’m really trying to find out why I can’t get pregnant and if I need to go straight to <a href="">IVF</a> and am willing to get a second opinion from another doctor as he won’t talk much about it being an option and maybe he is right, but maybe he is wrong. Please help!