That smile!!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Hey so my life took a complete 180 within the last months from being married for 12 years to finding out he cheated to me falling into a deep depression and actually committing suicide. But by Gods grace im still here. While I was in the hospital my husband my ex left. Thatโ€™s when I realized time meant nothing to him and I wasnโ€™t important after that I was broken he took everything even our savings. Well I had to start over and started going to church and the love I have for life now is beyond words the love I have for God has grown immensely. I love life and the opportunity I was given and I even have a job now. Yeah Iโ€™m back at my dads sleeping on the couch w my fur babies but I have never felt so much peace.

Sooooo last night at work I got stuck closing with the manger now heโ€™s a few years younger and on the same boat as me as far as not wanting relationships or drama. But last night was sooo amazing I have not laughed smiled connected with someone like I did yesterday I opened up so did he and we had an incredible time laughing and joking flirting and surprisingly we have so much in common.

His dimples came out so did mine as we laughed together about random things. I know things are still fresh on my end but it feels sooo good to smile!! For the first time in years I was me!! My past relationship he was so manipulative and verbally abusive I had lost my essence. After last nights laughs I finally feel like I got me back. Itโ€™s almost like I was completely born again! I have never felt so alive complete and blessed. Who knew that laughter would make me get my grove back ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

So to all you ladies going threw depression or break ups one day at a time just focus on you and one day when you least expect it without looking for it you too shall get your joy back your groove back. You donโ€™t need sex or making out to reach euphoria! Sometimes it comes by finding someone who makes you feel alive just by your presence!!! So hereโ€™s to Mr. Dimples I shall call him that ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰ for making me feel so alive and having woken up with this grin on my face ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Œ I have never felt sooo alive and so much peace. God is good!