I guess I just need to vent so I’m putting it on here because I don’t really have anyone to listen

so me and my boyfriend do long distance isn’t a far distance at all but I’ve been staying at his house for the week like I always do and then I usually go back home so my family wanted me home for the holidays and I figured I wouldn’t mind being away from my boyfriend for Christmas I’m currently six weeks pregnant and I figure I have many Christmases to spend with my boyfriend but then my boyfriend’s sister asked me if i’ll be with them for christmas and i said no i’m going home and she said oh all his friends are coming for Christmas with their girlfriends so he’ll probably be sad that you aren’t with him and she looked at him and jokingly said you need a part time girlfriend so that hurt my feelings and i called my family and told them i wanted to stay at my boyfriends for christmas they sounded disappointed but said okay and now after making a big deal about staying with him to my family my boyfriend has been in the worst mood and is kind of being nasty to me and having an attitude i’ve been craving cereal so i asked if he’ll go with me to the store to get cereal and buy an outfit for christmas considering i didn’t bring a nice outfit he went outside to complain to his sister that i always want something and because my hormones i think everything is bothering me