Husband won’t shower!

I am desperate for a solution honestly! When my husband and I were dating he was always so adamant about showering regularly and making sure to be clean especially if we were going to be intimate. We have been married now for 4 years, together for 6 years. Lately he has stopped showering regularly to the point where I don’t even know when he showered last. He might shower like once every couple weeks. He doesn’t have a BO smell or anything like that because he does keep deodorant and cologne on but his hair gets so oily and gross and just not knowing when he last showered make me not want to have sex with him. And any time I have brought it up he gets frustrated and says he doesn’t want to talk about it. Now, for context, he does struggle with anxiety, depression, and PTSD stemming from mental and physical abuse he endured from his dad growing up. And he will talk with me about things sometimes but other times he just shuts down. He has expressed to me that he hates when I’m “passive aggressive” about things so I try to be direct and have brought up showering several times and it’s just like he just won’t do it and I don’t know how to gently talk to him about it so he will actually do it. I m just looking for some advice if anyone has any to offer. I already have a hard time knowing how to be sensitive to his anxiety because I am a very type A, realistic, practical person and deal with things from a much less emotional standpoint. I have done better as he has opened up more but I get easily frustrated sometimes. Ugh. Help!