Spotting 7weeks- possible trigger?


So ladies last night after a very busy day, I cleaned, cooked, goatee Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>, went to church and our son who is 6mo old was extremely grumpy and only wanted mommy to hold him so for an hour I held him. Then we came home and I cleaned up from the party, prepared breakfast to be chilled for today. Then played with the baby and finally got him down then Santa had to go to the basement to being up everyone’s presents. Shortly after I sat down I had a very slight uncomfortable feeling towards my right hip and when I went to the bathroom I was spotting. No clots and was very much. I bawled hysterically with my husband holding me and put on a pad preparing for the worst. I eventually calmed down enough to go to bed and I woke up this morning the spotting had stopped and I have no pain. A little bit of brown blood which I know is probably just a little left over from last night. My question is, is that normal? Could I have just overdid myself and the baby is still okay? Our scan is on 12/30 and to be truthful I feel like I’m dreading it and they will tell us bad news instead of hearing the beautiful sound of the babies heart beat. Anyone have any insight for me?

Merry Christmas ladies