Christmas gifts for “me”


So what does it say when the only gifts your in-laws get you are for the baby who is due in three weeks? Not a single gift for me...just baby crap. This is baby #2 and we don’t need anything more. 🙄.

Backstory: In-laws wanted nothing to do with us for the 7 years they thought babies were off the table (their stupid assumption, not based on anything ever said.) Once baby 1 was announced it became all about them ie: “I told everyone we weren’t going to get grandchildren from you,” “Thank you for finally giving us a grandchild,” “It’s about time, do you know how old you are?” (I’ll add, I struggled with infertility while they were sitting there silently judging me.) They do not have a relationship with my husband and have not worked on building one, they just think they are the world’s greatest grandparents by birthright or something. 🙄