Favorite Tummy Time Toys?


My daughter will be 3 months old next week and she hates tummy time. Like really hates it. I feel like a terrible mom for not doing enough tummy time with her in the beginning but since her 2 month appointment I've been really really trying to do more. It's really hard for me though when she's crying. She is large for her age (>99 percentile for length) and is holding her head up great. She has a sit me up floor seat and a jumper that she does really well in but I know tummy time is essential for learning to crawl.

We do read together and play with toys, she really likes animals and lights and sounds and she likes mirrors (I've tried a tummy time mirror and she's still not happy)....so I'm really just curious what your favorite tummy time toys are? Her grandparents gave us some Christmas money to go toy/clothes shopping for her tomorrow and I really want to focus on making tummy time more enjoyable.

I go back to work in a week and a half so stuff that is small enough we can take it with us to her babysitters houses would be ideal (my grandma and my husband's dad will be watching her on different days).
