I just had the most embarrassing period accident 😓


I’ve had a period straight from hell. It has lasted forever. So long that I have a doctors appt in a few days to see why it’s taking so long. I’m taking medroxyprogestrone to make it stop and it still isn’t stopping. 😓

Today we went over to my in laws for Christmas. We have to drive 2 hours to get there and I already could tell that today my period was going to be difficult to deal with. I told my husband I’d like to keep the visit shortish because of that. Well, we were in the living room talking, having a good time, and I feel a gush. I stood up immediately and adjusted my shirt to be sneaky about feeling my butt to see if I leaked, and of course I did. I’m wearing black pants so I’ll be fine...but I look down at the couch...and of course I bled on my in-laws couch. I placed my purse over the stain and rush to the restroom. I have no clue what to do. My husband can tell I want to leave so we head out. I tell my husband what happened when we get to the car. I don’t want to just leave it there. I’m so embarrassed but my husband offers to go in and tell them. I’m too mortified to go back in. He assured me his parents won’t think anything of it, but how could they not!? He said he would clean it up. A few seconds go by and he’s walking out. He ends up telling his dad that I spilled something out of my purse? I wish he would have just told them truth rather than say something odd like that...but he probably just wasn’t sure what to say either. He tells him not to worry about it and that they’d take care of it. I’m just so embarrassed thinking about my father in law cleaning up my period blood. 😞😓

How bad is this? If it were you, how embarrassed would you be?