open arthroplasty surgery for dislocated jaw

so like four years ago (i was like 14) i was chewing gum and then there was a pop and a click. it hurt so bad and i kept bothering my mom to take me to see what was wrong. it hurt to open, it hurt when i ate,it was uncomfortable almost 24/7. when i finally got to see the dentist they said it was a tmj and said the oral surgeon would dare to do a surgery on me until i was 18.

so i’m 18 now and it still bothers me (even more than it did when i was 14) so a few months ago i finally went to see the oral surgeon and he said it was not a tmj, that it might be something with my muscle. i said no so he sent me to go get an mri. the mri took two months to get back to the doctor the first time for some reason. only to find out that the mri lady did it wrong so i had to go back and get another mri done. when i went to get it done the second time i asked for a copy of the mri (and thank goodness i did). the hospital was supposed to send it back to the oral surgeon but something happened and i ended up having to send in my copy of the mri and pay for the shipping.

a couple weeks later the oral surgeon called and said it was a dislocated jaw and that i could have a corrective surgery done.

today was the consultation and we discussed the procedure and where the incision would be and how big it would be. it will be small and right next to my ear. he said the surgery lasted and the jaw stayed correct for 2-5 years for 70%, 7-10 years for 20%, and the last 10% never had any other issues after the surgery. he also said that 2 people out of the 300+ that he has done had their nerves damaged during the surgery, they couldn’t raise an eyebrow or their one eye wouldn’t close all the way when they blinked.

i just want to know if anyone has had an open arthroplasty surgery before, how it went, how the recovery process went, and if any issues reoccured after a while