No phone in the bathroom rule!? Wdyt?

This is something that happened with a friend of mine she told me about it and it has me scratching my head.

So my friend had been with her guy for 11 years, met in high school, got pregnant within 2 months of knowing each other. They are not married but own a home now. She never worked a day in her life so, he bought the house and since she's not working she gets government assistance. This info may come in handy later.

So she walked in on him masturbating in the bathroom one day to porn on his phone and she was furious. She has now made it a RULE that he is not to have his phone in the bathroom ever.

How are you going to tell a grown ass man that he 1. Can't touch his own body and 2. Make rules for him in a house that you didn't even buy when he and the government give you a free ride.

Is it just me or is this so controlling and unhealthy?!

To those saying it's not my business she told me about it and asked my opinion about it so it became my business 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️