Slowly starting to hate my grandma

Alicia • 22• Michigan

That sounds horrible I know. And I also know I’ve posted on here many times with different family problems. In the last 3 years my family has gotten a lot worse with everyone not getting along. My grandma has been more rude to my mother and she often expresses how it upsets her. And this is gonna sound ridiculous cuz I’m 18 and I’m “jealous of a 2 year old” but my grandma acts a lot different around certain people. Her family who lives in California and some who live up north (we live in Michigan) and my uncle who lives in VA. I used to call her almost every day just to talk to her and make sure she wasn’t lonely cuz she now lives alone due to my grandpa passing 3 years ago. She talks to me and she almost sounds bored when she talks to me. And then sometime she will just stop responding as much and be like “alright I’ll talk to you later” but when anyone else talks to her she lights up like a Christmas tree and doesn’t shut up. My aunt and uncle are in town and they stay at hers. I drove separate from my mom today cus she’s going to work in like 5 minutes and I didn’t want her to have to drag me back home right before she’s gotta go to work. But then she was going home anyway so she left but I wanted to stay cuz my aunt and uncle are leaving for home tomorrow morning and I wanted to spend more time with them. So I’m sitting there and it’s getting close to ten (my mom leaves for work at 10:30) and she’s like “what, are you waiting for your mom to leave before you drive home?” And I’m like “no” and then she’s like “you need to go home home” and I’m like what does she mean and then she accuses me of going to sneak out or some shit. I’m 18 so even if I was it’s not like I’d be doing anything wrong. I literally got up, hugged my aunt and uncle and stormed out, and drove home crying.