Plans for my third pregnancy..

So I just gave birth a month ago to my second boy ♥️ with my first pregnancy we didn’t tell anyone until I was two and a half months pregnant. Didn’t tell the gender until one month after we found out. And didn’t tell the name until I was about 7 months.

This time we didn’t tell anyone until I was almost 5 months. We didn’t tell the gender until I was 7 months. And we didn’t tell anyone the name until I gave birth.

My next pregnancy I plan to not tell anyone until I’m 7 months ( I don’t start showing until about 6 months so it’ll be easy). And my husband told me he only wants me to know the gender. I’ll have the key to the babies room so I can set it up and no one else can go in there. And he wants to come up with a boy name and a girl name and not tell me. Until I give birth. I’m not sure about the name part cause I’m super picky!! But we still have time so we’ll see. Our boys are almost 2 years apart and God willing we’ll have our next ones about the same amount apart.