Reading the signs


So I have this one guy friend of mine that is bi, lately we have been hanging out a lot. He’s very attractive and sometimes we flirt back and forth but nothing crazy. I’m trying to tell if he’s just joking or being serious sometimes when we flirt. We have been spending a lot of time together like sleeping over each-other house and cooking for each-other. We have been friends for only like 3/4 months but in the beginning it was clear he wanted a little more I just didn’t really catch on. Now he makes jokes about not doing anything with me but is constantly teasing me at work and when we are alone. I’m not sure if I can date a bi guy.... I want to try and make the first move I just don’t want to look stupid and him be like what the heck are you doing! I have a hard time reading signs to tell if a guy likes you or just like flirting???