I need reassurance.


I see a line. Like I'm pretty sure it's there but I can't seem to wrap my head around it I've gotten so many negatives that I just can't believe there is a positive. So I need to know that others can see it.

I am about 12 dpo.

What we did differently:

I used OPK to get an idea of when I'd ovulate and BD (babydance) as much as possible in my fertile window.

And I used Babydance fertility lubricant. (Infact I literally just ordered another box 🤦🏻‍♀️ my luck🤣)

I also used pink stork prenatals.


The past three days I've been irritable.

No sex drive. (I'm normally horny all the time)

THE NAUSEA IS INSANE. I feel I could throw up right now.

Also I have an anxiety disorder, I used to have seizures but haven't had one in a couple years. Yesterday, I had a bad anxiety attack and thought I was going to seize but didnt. It was really weird because it was out of the blue and lasted like 5 seconds. So that was odd.

Of course I was in-denial of all of this because I'm prone to symptom spotting. And I took a test at 10dpo and it was negative so I had already told myself I was out(which I know is a no no, obviously) But today the nausea has been full force so I figured to ease my mind I'd take a pregnancy test to confirm I'm symptom spotting and was probably just about to have a bad period. And there was a second line. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So please tell me I'm legit seeing this and this in not a dream. Thank you 😁

(I posted this here because it's an obvious line but I'm crazy and need reassurance)