Fibromyalgia & Pregnant 1st trimester

I will be 10wks pregnant tomorrow and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at the end of October. I was put on Cymbalta (sorry if that's spelled wrong) and it took about a little over 2wks to notice it was working nd I was feeling much better from my body pain. I must of conceived at the end of October and didn't know until November 22 when I found out and immediately stopped it. (Side effects were horrible for 3 days off) it didn't take long for symptoms to return back I'm in extreme pain today and thought for sure it was Flu because my house has been positive with flu B. I went to the Er for the 1st time in nearly 3yrs today because it seriously feels like the flu x1,000. Flu was negative. And even mentiomed. A sinus infection possibly because I had deviated septum surgery back in April 2019 for having sinus infections and she told me know.


Headache for over 2wks now

Small low grade fevers 99.-101

Body in excruciating pain as if I've been beaten with a ball bat can't get up out of bed feeling.

I've thrown up multiple times today including the Er

No appetite or thirst what's so ever.

Ears hurt pop and crack and left year is leaking but the Er doctor said it was fine..

Dry Coughing left side of throat is tad sore.

I was given Tamiflu anyways for 5 days but I have a feeling fibromyalgia is playing a part in my illness. How does 1 deal with this type of pain pregnant? My family doctor agreed it's not good to take while pregnant. Please😫🙏🙏 help me.