Vbac stories/info/opinions

Cassie • 23. Engaged. momma to my 2.5 year old 👧 and baby #2 on the way 💚🥰

I was wondering if any of you ladies have had a successful vbac story to share? Or thoughts and opinions on them.

A little backstory.. I gave birth to my baby girl via emergency c-section in 2017. She was and is perfectly healthy, but unfortunately there was a problem with my epidural and I ended up feeling my surgery and the anesthesiologist had to put me under in the middle of the procedure.

Fast forward 2.5 years later and I’m now almost 17 weeks pregnant with baby #2. My ob (same one that delivered my first) obviously is opting to do a scheduled c-section for this baby considering the problems I had during L&D the first time. Problem is is that I’m having extreme anxiety about feeling this procedure again. The whole situation was...very traumatizing to me honestly. It was harder to bond with her because I was asleep when she was born. The recovery sucked. I suffered from PPD and I have bipolar affective disorder. I’m pretty much just scared shitless to give birth to this baby. I know natural delivery is just as scary, and hard though. I just wanted to hear what you ladies thought! How should I cope with my anxieties and fears? If any of you have had a successful vbac I’d love to hear as well. Thank you so much for your time!

Also sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong area!