Anyone else symptom spotting?

Normally I don't but this time I had ovulation bleeding/spotting and I'm having loads of symptoms so I'm just going to keep track of it here. I will edit the post each day to add my symptoms. And then I will update again to let everyone know if AF shows or not!

1dpo: heavy/full breasts, a little bit of nausea, mild cramping. Applied first dose of progesterone cream mid day since I woke up late and now having increased nausea, gas, heartburn, and feeling warm although we are still at my mom's for holiday and she does keeps her house a tad bit warm so could be that!

2-3dpo had loads of pain in my left side. This was an all day thing. Like a stitch. Wouldn't go away no matter what I tried. Then later that night moved to the right side. Was just feeling really unwell.

3-6dpo feeling waves of nausea. Had one night of dang near insomnia. But for the most.part feeling good. Also had like a weird heaviness in my lower's really hard to explain.

6-7dpo started feeling really exhausted after not even being awake long and doing nothing. Waves of nausea but nothing serious. SEVERE watering in my mouth. It is terrible. There is not really much nausea with it but I don't like it. Now developing a heading. Thought I saw a faint line on test but I'm doubting it. May test again night time!