We're not expecting announcement ... Read description.

So .. we have children, we wanted more and everyone wants us to have more but unfortunately we can't. I have Endometriosis and my chances aren't looking good. I'm really struggling with pain and all that comes with it. We're ready to be done with this struggle to get pregnant ... We wanted to announce so we will stop being asked about "when will you have another"!! As it's painful to hear constantly. We don't want to go overboard ... Just a small announcement to those close to us saying something along the lines of "we have news to share ... We're not expecting" and explain that we are done having children. There are very few ideas online so let's hear some.

*If you have negative comments then keep scrolling past my post, keep them to yourselves. Yes I know I have been blessed to have children but I have went through surgeries and hormone therapy etc to have them. I can't handle doing that again. Thanks*

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