New year's resolutions!


How did your 2019 resolutions go?  What are your resolutions for 2020?

In 2019, I kept the bar low, knowing I was going to have a baby.  I wanted to

-breastfeed (sucess! and still going)

-eat healthily (doing pretty well.  I have lost all the pregnancy weight and then some)

-do elimination communication with baby (we did our due diligence and decided it wasn't for us)

in 2020, I want to

-Go to the beach with my family

-Have professional photos taken for baby's first birthday

-Add a third bedroom to the house or get serious about moving

-Take a family trip (it can be small)

-As a stretch goal, buy a car that will accommodate two car seats

-And I guess all that is preparing for TTC baby #2!

Less tangibly, but most importantly, I want to be happy and realize that I already AM happy!  All I've ever wanted was to be married and have kid(s) and now I do!  Anything else is just a bonus.